Cat Lounge Rules
1. Be gentle when petting and handling the cats.
2. Children must be carefully supervised by adult at all times (see Age Requirements/Visiting info page). If staff feels not enough supervision is taking place, you may be asked to leave, without refund.
3. No loud noises or yelling. Cats appreciate calm environments.
4. Do not chase or pull cat's tails. If they are moving away from you, it may be time for them to find some quiet space or drink of water. Let them go, they may come back after a break.
5. Watch doorways!! Make sure when you enter and exit the cat lounge no kitties are looking for their great escape! They are fast!
6. Please use caution when interacting with the cats. As tempting as it may be, let the curious kitties come to you, and do not pick up cats on your own. All cats are different, and some like to be picked up, handled, and some like their space or doing things on "their own time". Adults, please help young children when handling cats. If you need assistance, let a staff member know.
7. Do not wake a sleeping cat. While we would love the cat lounge to be busy with active cats all the time, cats sleep up to 20 hours a day! We have to respect if they needs a rest, they can do so.
8. Do not share food or drinks with the cat. Human food is not for cats! It can cause upset tummies and cause further issues.
9. Be cautious when petting cats. Be aware of their "body language". If you pay attention, cats typically let you know how they are feeling about an interaction.
10. Follow rules and use common sense while in the cat lounge. Through supervision of young ones, and being aware of cats behavior, we can insure everyone will have a great time playing with the cats, having fun, making memories, and getting lots of cute pictures!
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