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Photo Gallery
Paws Awhile Cat Cafe
Photo's courtesy of Jaimee Griffin Photography

A CAT is yonder, there, away,
Hiding low 'mong shrub or hay;
Lean and lurking, for bugs or mice,
Felidae, his own, stealthy, wise.
Wild and wooly, with fangs and claws
Ravenous on his prey he gnaws.
Up a tree or in a dark hole,
All his own with bone or bowl.
But a KITTY owns her owners all,
Inside or out returns their call
of loving kindness, creatures both;
Deceit and cruelty much to loathe.
Civilization learned 'tween Man and beast.
Why not Man to Man this very least??
Our kitty teaches us of love and peace,
Patience, kindness, goodness, these.
Her whiskered face and telling eyes,
And furry paws can make us wise.
Robert M. Brown
Vol 7 Page 159
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